Let's Talk Schedules
If there is one area that can quickly create discord in a divorce, it's the parenting time schedule. Once the STBX or you move out*, the kids need a stable, predictable schedule, one that works best for them. Remember, the court doesn't care about the parents in a divorce: the court cares about the kids. *In moving out, keep in mind that, at least in Michigan, the Friend of the Court requires each child to have his/her own bedroom, especially if they aren't the same gender or have a big difference in age. It really is best to have a separate bedroom for each child at each house, which usually means that some things from the family home need to go to the other house in order to make the new bedroom feel like home. That needs to be okay--let the child make the decision about what goes where, and be prepared for some tears when a favorite item is at the wrong house. In most cases (at least here in Michigan), the parents end up with something very close to equall...